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Alexander Rybak is coming to Turkey!

Eskişehir – Atayurt Private Schools will bring together students and Eurovision-winner and violinist Alexander Rybak on the same stage at their 20th annual art event/festival. Alexander Rybak will lead a seminar and have rehersals with the students for two days. The final of the seminar is a big concert. The concert will be held in the Sport Center of University of Eskişehir Osman Gazi on Friday 14th of November at 19:00. It will start with performances of students and continue with songs by Alexander Rybak, performed by Alexander and  the school’s orchestra, choir and dancers.

Tickets can be purchased from Atayurt Private Schools.Price: 20 TL

Contact : atayurthalkailiskiler@gmail.com
Phone : 0222 315 03 60
Web site : http://www.atayurt.com/
Adress : Bursa Yolu 10. Km 26200 ESKİŞEHİR

Concert Date & Time: 14/11/2014 – 19:00
Concert place : Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Spor Salonu

 More information.

Facebook page of the school.

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Invitation video from Students

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Answer from Alexander

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