Photo/Video. One to One: Gloria Gaynor – “I will survive”

The fifth show of “One to One” by TV-channel Russia 1 was broadcasted on March 8th – 2015.

Alexander got the challenge to perform as the famous Gloria Gaynor with her world-hit from 1979: “I will Survive”.



Alexander performed as himself and showed his talents as a violinist

on a little musical surprise in the beginning of the 5th show:

“Les Parapluies de Cherbourg” with Mark Tishman and Hibla Gerzmava.

The video of the full 5th show.

Alexander took part in a musical surprise in the beginning ( 00.00.24 ) and from 2.03.20

you can see his preparations to perform as Gloria Gaynor.



“Les Parapluies de Cherbourg” with Mark Tishman and Hibla Gerzmava

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