Posting in Norwegian, published on the Facebook-page of Oslo University Hospital
Published 12.03.2015
Photos by Oslo University Hospital
Read the Original Posting HERE
Autogenerated-English translation:
“A pleasant evening at the children center at OUS UllevĂ„l today: Alexander Rybak came to visit, to the delight of both Malene, Heidi, Jorunn, Andrew, Peder and Eirik!
Having first played a delightful song on his fiddle, he could declare the newly upgraded youth room opened! Alexander has donated a great home cinema system and a whole lot of movies to us. There are many young patients who now look forward to start using it!
Special educator Heidi Marie Espehjelle tells that the room will be used by the hospital school in the daytime and by the hospitalized young patients in the evenings – in addition to the youth-club, who will use the room once a week”.
Big thanks to the sparkling Rybak, both for the gifts and the nice visit!”