Alexanders’ new music-video “Fever” premiered on Serbian TV on the morning of March 31st.

 Published by Radio Televizija Vojvodine 31.03.2017

Original Video-description: Ako ste gledali Evroviziju 2009, imali ste priliku da upoznate harizmatičnog pevača i violinistu iz Norveške Aleksandera Ribaka. Premijera njegovog novog spota zakazana je za danas, a naša medijska kuća dobila je pravo da emituje spot. Uživajte u pesmi „Fever“.

Auto-generated English Translation of the Video-description: If you watched the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, you had the opportunity to meet the charismatic singer and violinist Alexander Rybak from Norway. The premiere of his new music video is scheduled for today, and our media company obtained the right to broadcast the spot. Enjoy the song Fever”.


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