Alexander Rybak: Melodi Grand Prix 2018 – All Contestants (Violin Jam)

March 4th, 2018 – One week before the Norwegian ESC-.selection, “Melodi Grand Prix”, Alexander released a new music-video, where he pays tribute to all the other 9 contestants, by jamming with his violin to their songs.


Alexander wrote on his Official Facebook-page:

“Javisst er Melodi Grand Prix en konkurranse, men i år er det virkelig en FEST av en konkurranse, og fela har blitt forelska i alle låtene! ❤️ Det blir uhyre likt i år, så husk å stemme på deres favoritter!”

“Surely, Melodi Grand Prix is a competition, but this year, it is definitely a PARTY of a competition and the fiddle has fallen in love with all the songs! ❤️ It will be extremely even this year, so don´t forget to vote for your favourites!”

Director of Photography: Marius Bjellebø
Edit: Victor Christoffer Sandmark

00:03 – Aleksander Walmann [Talk To Hand]
00:55 – Nicoline [Light Me Up]
01:28 – Vidar Villa [Moren Din]
02:20 – Charla K [Stop The Music]
03:03 – Rebecca [Who We Are]
03:47 – Stella og Alexandra [You Got Me]
04:40 – Tom Hugo [I Like I Like I Like]
05:22 – Alejandro Fuentes [Tengo Otra]
05:56 – Ida Maria [Scandilove]

LEARN MORE about all the contestants in Melodi Grand Prix 2018 Here

Official MGP – Music Video of Alexander Rybak: “That´s How You Write a Song” HERE