Article in Norwegian, published by 24.04.2019
By Jo Dalene
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They will merge with Alexander Rybak
There is a lot of positive that can come out of merging with others. Sunday 5 May at 3 pm this is expressed by the fact that strings students from the cultural schools in Fet, Sørum and Skedsmo will play together in a large string orchestra.
A total of 60 violins, cello, and viola players from all three municipalities play together in a concert that also focuses on raising money for a new organ in Fet Church.
The church in Fet is a place that connects cultural life in the village. The organ is a big part of this great collaboration, and it is a strong signal that the cultural schools show support for the organ case, and stand united with us in the collection for a new and great instrument in the church. There are many who can and will enjoy a new organ.
But not only that. They bring with them star-players, namely Alexander Rybak.
Rybak’s hit song “Fairytale” won Eurovision in 2009 and last year, he won the Norwegian melody grand prix with “That’s how you write a song”. Rybak agreed immediately, when we asked him to help us with the organ case and to inspire the many young aspirants.
Rybak will have a seminar with the students Saturday before the concert where they will practice and play with him and hear about how he got his great interest in music. It will be a memory for life for both the students and the audience, when all strings and Fet Kulturskoles children’s choir join Alexander Rybak on “Fariytale” as the closing number. Kantor Jo Dalene is also looking forward to play along with Rybak.
In this great concert, this year’s Dream Scholarship candidates from Fet will also be given room to perform. This year’s candidates are flutist Katrine Bratteng and pianist Thomas Skartlien.
All of the surplus goes straight to the collection for a new organ in Fet Church.
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