From DreamWorks Animation comes a surprising story about growing up and finding the courage to meet the unknown. What began as an unlikely friendship between a Viking boy and a frightening Night-Fury Dragon, has become an epic trilogy about their lives.

When a female Dragon shows up, while the village is facing a dark threat, Hiccup and Toothless must travel to a hidden, mythological world. In this last chapter, Hiccup and Toothless finally discover their true destinies, and they are forced to fight together, to protect everything they have learned to appreciate.

Buy “How To Train Your Dragon 3” with Norwegian voices on DVD & Blu-Ray:


Online sale & delivery to all countries from WWW.GUCCA.DK

Autogenerated English Translation of the page

Online sale & delivery to Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland from WWW.CDON.COM

Online sale & delivery to Norway from WWW.PLATEKOMPANIET.NO

Norwegian Voices:

Alexander Rybak as Hiccup

Helge Jordal as Steinur Digre

Kjersti Sandal as Astrid

Per Skjølsvik as Gugge

Jan Martin Johnsen as Snytulf

Benjamin Helstad as Fiskebein

Ida Elise Broch as Røffa

Knut Joner as Tøffe

More Information


Promo-Video with English Subtitles


Promo-Videos in Norwegian








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