Clips and bits from Alexander in Norway this May NRK TV – Dagsrevyen 19.05.2021. Click on the picture to watch the video-clip YouTube-Version by Alexander Rybak FP Vis dette opslag på Instagram...
Podcast-interview in Norwegian, published by Wolfgang Wee Uncut 10.10.2020 In his first interview on podcast, Alexander Rybak is the guest of Wolfgang Wee Uncut. In a long interview, they speak about filmmusic, anxiety, eurovision-hardships, John Williams,...
Alexander Rybak in Stjernekamp In the TV-show “Stjernekamp” on NRK, 10 established norwegian artists meet to compete within different musical genres. By viewers voting, one artist leaves the show in each episode. The winner achieves the title as...
Alexander Rybak was a guest in the coveted scandinavian talkshow “Skavlan”. The show was broadcast september 25th – 27th 2020 on swedish, norwegian and finnish TV. Alexander Rybak opens up about pill abuse and overcoming the struggle in this...
Article in Norwegian, published by 17.07.2020 By Jørn Pettersen Read Original Article Here Read Auto-generated English Translation Here SINGING ABOUT MARTINE: In a new song, Alexander Rybak pays tribute to blogger Martine Røsten Aune. – This girl is...