Kilden Teater presents: “Trolle og den magiske Fela” Information on Facebook Information in Norwegian The musical “Trolle” premieres at Kilden In November 2019 and will be this year’s great Christmas...
KILDENMAGASINET 11 (SEPT. 2019) Magazine in Norwegian, published by Kilden Teater og Konserthus 25.09.2019 Photos: Aptum /Jon-Petter Thorsen Read the full Original Magazine Here The magazines’ articles about Alexander and Trolle can be read with...
Video with “Blant Fjell” (Audio). Norwegian lyrics in subtitles. “Blant Fjell” First song from the audiobook “Trolle og den magiske fela” (“Trolle and the magical violin”) by Alexander Rybak Buy and Download “Blant...